Pulumi is disrupting the way we do Infrastructure as Code

In this article, we attempt to address the below mentioned questions,

  1. What is Pulumi and its architecture
  2. The benefits of using Pulumi
  3. Challenges of Pulumi

1. What is Pulumi and it’s architecture?

Pulumi is a modern Infrastructure As Code innovative platform that bridges the gap between developers and cloud providers. It takes advantage of existing programming languages like Node JS (TypeScript), Python, .NET(C#), or Go to interact with your Infrastructure through its SDKs downloaded onto devices locally as well as accessed over internet connections seamlessly, allowing seamless integration into any environment without requiring significant re-working on behalf server-side code is already written specifically for each provider.

Pulumi Architecture

Pulumi is an increasingly popular tool that uses the desired state model for managing Infrastructure. A program written in Pulumi runs on a host language to compute what needs developing, updating, or deleting within your stack’s configuration; the deployment engine compares this set point with current reality – taking into account any resources provisioned by providers like AWS (or Azure) when making decisions about which ones will be created/deleted, etc. You can run multiple instances of Pulumi simultaneously if needed too!        The illustration below shows how the different parts of this system interact with one another:

2. The Benefits of using Pulumi

i. Open-source: Pulumi is a language-neutral infrastructure automation platform that doesn’t require you to learn any new programming languages. It works with all the most popular flavors of cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure without forcing users into an outdated ecosystem mindset by using generic templates instead of custom code tailored specifically for their needs – saving both time AND money in this day when every cent counts!

ii. Multi-language support: Instead of writing your infrastructure configuration in a programming language, use IaC platforms like Pulumi. This way, you can stay away from any pesky domain-specific languages and still take advantage of all that they have to offer!

iii. Multi-cloud: In our quest to provide the best possible services, we take great pride in managing a wide range of cloud providers. Among them are AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure, which offer fast speeds for your data needs while also being able security measures such as Digital farm management or encryption toolkit options on top!

iv. Feature-rich CLI: Through the Pulumi CLI, deploying and decommissioning cloud infrastructure is a simple process. You can use it on Linux or Windows to deploy serverless applications with just one command!

v. Dry-run support: Pulumi supports the dry run feature through the pulumi preview command. This command shows a preview of the scheduled updates to a stack so that developers can verify that no unintended changes are deployed.

vi. Reusable components: Pulumi enables developers to follow best coding practices and use existing code across different projects. The architecture does not define just one instance; it includes all aspects of your application, which means you can easily tailor any project for its needs with this tool!

3. Challenges

i. Duplication: Pulumi has the potential to be a powerful tool, but it’s difficult for teams to use different languages and toolsets. Duplication can happen when one team develops their own codebase that includes the same functionality multiple times instead of relying on each others’ work or just sharing libraries across projects – this leads to them not being able to share any updates without starting from scratch again!

ii. Cost: Pulumi offers three-member packs at $225 per month, but if you want more than 20 project stacks, then it’s going to cost ya. The “Starter” package for startups is a discount on this charge – meaning your team gets smaller packages and cheaper rates!

iii. Documentation: In the world of Infrastructure as code, there are many tools to choose from. One new kid on the block is Pulumi, and it’s gaining momentum fast because its documentation isn’t as abundant yet, which makes using this service more difficult than other similar services like Terraform or Cloudformation but don’t worry! The developers behind these projects have been working hard so that soon you’ll be able to read everything about them in one place for your convenience- just stay tuned!


Pulumi is quickly gaining popularity as the go-to Infrastructure as a Service provider. The easy learning curve, vast language support, and compatibility with multiple cloud providers make it an attractive choice for businesses of all sizes. While there are some areas where Pulumi could improve, it is still a powerful tool that can help you manage your infrastructure needs.

Stay tuned for more posts on Pulumi, including how to get started with the tool, examples of resources you can create with Pulumi, and comparisons between Pulumi and other IAC tools.

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